Friday, March 20

Foggy Today

I know I want to say something
But what?

I can just feel the words on the tip of my tongue
waiting to go out onto this blankness
longing to speak
ears waiting to hear

that is how I am today

It has been a week since I posted and I had no clue what to write. It is funny that about 5 of the blogs I like to read are all saying the same thing. I had a great time in Dublin and I shall post some wonderful pictures soon of the Castle. Dulbin is not the green Ireland we all think of. But I will just have to go back again and again to capture that huh?

I hope you all had a great Week.. I will get back on the proper flow again soon.


Tuesday, March 10

A tribute

The lyrics from this James Blunt Song really fit what you want to say to friends when they go through diffcult times. It just always make me want to call all my friends let them hear it. I would sing it to them but I do not want to torture them. =) I limit singing to them to Happy Birthday Marilyn Monore style...over quickly. =)

I have a dear friend that is experiencing one of the most painful things a woman can go through. Having your heart broken by betrayal...this is just some of things I want to say to her. But not sure how to get it perfectly. I also give this to my friends that are just going through a rough time.

I love you, I am here for you, always open armed, open mind and listening ears.

Thank you for being someone I call friend.

Thursday, March 5

What do you think?

Hey everyone, I decided to do another blog, one of my passion for shoes and possibly accessories. I started it last week but was not sure If I wanted to actually do it. But I am going to it will probally slack of on post in two weeks when I start school 4 days a week. But till then I will have fun with it. So for now I have a bit of a shoe crisis. So come on over to SHOE ADDICT AND PROUD OF EM"

Help me choose. Not going to post anything else this week or weekend. So y'all have a great weekend!!!

ps. I got the idea of a seperate blog for clothes,shoe whatever from Lisa. She talked about wanting to do a thrift store blog. I then was like hey I would love to shoe case my latest finds on shoes. Why not? So thanks Lisa.

Tuesday, March 3

And then there was light......

Because of the wide range of different lamp posts I have seen in the few places I have visted over here in Europe I choose to make a whole album of only them. I wanted to post some pictures on here but could not think of any that really got my heart in them. So I thought why not share a taste of my 4yr project?? So here are a few of my fav's so far in my European Light Journey..

This is one across the street from the Petite' Palace in Paris, France. We were walking to the Louve from the Eifel Tower. NEVER AGAIN. Tooo long in the shoes I wore. Of course I edited it just to mix it up a bit. Would that not be cool if you could make a camera do that? I do not think you can, correct me if you I am wrong.This one is from Amsterdamn, Netherlands. I took it while waiting in line for the Anne Frank house. I was going to make it black and white and just bring out the red. But I felt I should love the brass color and leave it be.

This is the 2nd way I edited the Amsterdamn Lamp. I mirrored the image, eroded the edges , made it sepia tones and added a lil of the red back to it. Which one do you think out of the two edited versions should go in my album??

This is another one from Paris, France. That same trip except this one was taken as we were walking across the main bridge in the dowtown area. I loved all the statues, the larger than life lamp posts(like this one)..even the gold was something I loved.

Any tips? Or any favs?

So I hope you all have had a good week so far. Mine has been Uber busy. I signed up for the biggest looser competition here on base. That way I have accountabilty. It has been an off and on diet, lifestyle change, work out yo-yo struggle for the last two years. I did not grow up big or in a big family. I was not big till I was 23. So this is B.S. I gotta take care of myself. THis current go around time has been around 2 months old. I do not want to talk myself out of it, I do not want to get lazy. This week I stepped it up about 20 notchs or so. =) 1- keeping an eating journal, 2-watching my calories and 3-working out everyday, 4-the competition just to help me stay focused. So wish me luck. As well we have 11 days till Dublin. AHAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! If you could not tell I am horrible excited about it.

Happy Blogging y'all!

Au Revior
