Tuesday, March 23

Disney knows

" The very things that held you down are going to carry you up"
Want to guess what that is from?
That is right, beloved DUMBO.
Yesterday we hit the 6 month mark of getting guardianship of the 3 kiddos. Boy is it getting rougher, there is part of me that says that is because they feel safe, know they are loved etc. But there is another part that says they are brats and I am running out of patience. In the 6 months my husband and I have gone out, with out them 1x in Oct, 1x in Jan and now 1x in March. I realized that is NOT A GOOD IDEA.
So we have choosen to have date night once a month, with one girl night and one guy night. That gives us 2 breaks a month and allows us both to have 1 on 1 time with the kids too.
So yeah, this quote from DUMBO, really sits with me this week.
Happy SPRING to you all.

Wednesday, March 17

Just breathe...

To think that this time last year, we were in Dublin, Ireland.


NOT this year. Not for who knows how long will we just go on a random trip and let loose.
We do not need to party or anything all the time. Just saying that these past two weeks, realized exactly what we got ourselves into, or what I got us into. I love my siblings, with all my heart and more. BUt I know now, I bit of more than I can chew.

Soo I am telling myself

Bubble Baths..and just breathe....

Happy St. Patty's Day to anyone who is " Irish for the day" or like me Irish by ancestors.

Sunday, March 14

Why hello stranger..Where ya been??

" Hello, where have you been?"
" Deep inside, hiding, thank you for letting me out"
That was how the conversation in my head with myself went. Err
Well not completly, just trying to make the opening sentence a bit witty, I am not CRAZY or nothing, well never certifited that is.=)
But I did look in the mirror the other day and kinda stared, was getting ready, trying to be all sassy and upbeat. I got a new hair cut and color. Isn't it weird how it just makes you want to spend more time getting ready? Well I just sat there and saw the old me, It was peeking out and it was like seeing an old friend. it put a glow to my eyes, I guess I sparkle if you will. I was shocked..I CARED!! I cared what I looked like. Yes I am busy,
with friends mixed in and none of this is a certain rank order or nothing.
But anyways....
I really am DONE being the big girl, I figured for a long time, I am fat, ugly and it does not matter that I look nice.
Boy, was I wrong
It does to one very important and special person
SO what I put on some weight, I am still a pretty and friendly gal
not cocky or anything
I just used to see myself as fiesty, sassy cute gal before
But i did not look that wearing big t-shirts, comfy pants, not doing much with my hair.
I have been trying to look cute, getting told I am "shrinking" or "loovvve your shoes".
( Even though bought all these adorable shoes, i wore them once in awhile. Felt they deserved better or something equal pathetic and lame I put in my head.)
But for the last few weeks, been wearing a new pair a day basically.
I digress as usual
So this is a lil word of the wise for you lovely bloggers and any fellow loosers out there(weight loss)
Did you cheat on you diet? Have a bad day?
Get in a fight? Get a cold, flunk an assignment, just any normal life stress that makes you want to not do anything with youself?
Put on some mascara, maybe just a lil lip gloss,
Wear a smile
Nice pair of shoes, or a sunny and spring colored bag
I for one am huge fan of putting on a song I love and dancing around my house. ALWAYS lifts my spirits.
So this was a quick post, that jumped around. But I just wanted to say hello to that gal peeking through the cracks in this shell I have been wearing and to tell you all out there to do something nice for yourself.

Wednesday, March 3

I have Sinned...

Click this link.and go check out my other blog. I figured it would be fun...you know you want tooo...

Monday, March 1

She POPPED it....

Wow, I marched over here to most another entry really quick. Well I did not march, for reals.



London Girl, over at here. Gave me an award.

My first ever.


Thank you, others might not think nothing of an award, But I never got one on my blog.

So no matter why she choose me, she did. So I am thankful.

She popped my cherry, oooh dirty.=)
I found her blog via my lovely Lisa and am thankful I did
You need to go check out London Girl
1. She always has something interesting and witty to say
2. She gets to write about a city I love, I would follow to hear about it even if she was boring
3.You just should, so do it!
Then this is my 80th post. wow. I guess I expected something big for my 80th and I got it. Hmm I should plan a give away or some influential writing for my 100th huh?
Oh that is down the road.
I guess how you do it is by giving it back to people right?? I will come and add to this. Let me think who I want to pass it on too, plus I have homework to do and work to go to.
Check back for an update


The bloggers that I choose are going to be.....

drummmm roooollllllll

1. Lisa over at Love, Lisa

for always leaving comments and taking an interest

2. Georgia over at it's just how I see things

captureing pretty things in in your darkest hours

3. Claire over at Claire B

for always writing beautiful words that just flow with your amazing photos

4. Jamie over at Umbrella Blog

always stopping by to say hello and capturing the right moments on film

5. London over at Blog Fashion

she always inspires me with her amazin taste and ability to pair the right colors

I would like to give it to more girls too, but i will just stick to 5 and will find another award to give to some more people.

Thanks for checking back in.

Loosing, oops, don't mind that.

On the AFN radio station here, they play this commericals about
" Thunder thigh clean up on Aisle 4"
"Don't mind my double chin just landed in your soup"
They are funny and a bit gross.
But I had to post about my loss, my 50LB benchmark weight loss.
I am not sure if I have mentioned my battle with.....ready???
I know we all face it, but I have never really put it out there for everyone to read, to KNOW, that I am one of THOSE people. The dreaded chunky monkey's. People come in all sizes, shapes, lengths, colors etc. However, I am not talking of people that are just naturally a bit bigger, the wonderful curves..no but those dreaded, "I can't loose the weight", "I can't help it", not taking care of themselves, to big for their hearts, high blood pressure, stroke waiting to happen type people.
We all can help it, there is a point to were the blame is no ones but ours.
You are strong and beautiful, you can do it.
I believe you can
Cause I did
I feel comfortable saying that cause I was there and am still battling it.
I do not come from a large size family, so genetics is not the cause, even saying that. You can overcome anything, so if genetics is your cause. Do not let it be. Fight it, you want to be happy and healthly, not a certain size. But being 250 plus pounds, out of breath on most things, size 20? We all know that is not happy nor healthly.
I was not at a size 20, but that is cause I was blessed with height. I did however get to a 17/18
How did I get there?
Hardwork at being lazy.
I started off with it being because of a vaild reason, I had medical issues, could not work out gained weight, had PTSD, that caused some more weight gain. But then I had lost 40lbs, I had started my battle. well little did I know what a battle that would be.
Fast Forward almost 4yrs later
I have yo-yo'd with my size, lost and gained, then lost and gained more back.
Up and down in clothes.
I was sad, lazy and stuck
I was in a shell.
August 2009,
My shell broke, That was it.
What was I DOING to my body?
I thankfully did not have high blood pressure, blessed.
I had an overall good cholestrol score, but one of them was high and If I kept it up, the others would follow
I thought how disrespectful am I being?
God let me be born into this marthon running, happy, vital, strong body and it was working hard for me
What was I doing to it?
So I started
Augst 14, 2009 to be exact
As of March 1, 2010
I have lost exactly 50lbs
I am getting there slowly and surely.
I think I will start to write about my struggles, things that worked/working for me, things that didn't etc.
I just had to tell the world...err or my 12 readers. lol
Anyone can do it, I am doing it.
March is off to a grand start.
Happy Monday
